Our Services

Masters of Concrete & More

Unparalleled in service offerings, reputation, and flexibility, Con-Restor is ready for all your concrete projects… and then some. And, if you don’t see it here, there’s an excellent chance we do it.

Concrete Balcony
Repair and Restoration
Whether you need full balcony concrete slab replacement or simply localized concrete repairs, we have experience in slab edge, slab topside, soffit and through-slab repairs.
Caulking of Windows And Building Envelopes
We can help repair and maintain your building to make sure you’re preserving the longevity of your premises and protecting it from damage due to moisture and mold, excessive energy costs, and more expensive repairs down the road.
Concrete Slab Foundation
We pour new and repair existing concrete slab foundations for your home or business – including T-shaped, slab-on-grade, and frost-protected foundations – designed to withstand Manitoba’s extreme weather.
Waterproof Coatings, Traffic Membrane Application
We provide an extensive array of waterproof membranes to protect foundation walls, parking garage decks, masonry walls, balconies, electrical rooms, elevator shafts, pools, rooftops and more.
Building Restoration
Big or small, we provide the skills and experience necessary to restore the look and function of your building with efficient, cost-effective solutions and execution.
Parkade Repair and Restoration
We perform all scales of parking garage restoration, from full concrete slab replacement to localized concrete repairs.
Control and Expansion Joint Replacement
We install, repair, and replace expansion joints in existing concrete buildings, parking structures, and large facilities.
Con-Restor Technologies has recently incorporated a Drywall Division, expanding from its prior exclusive work in Concrete Restoration.